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Creative Workshops
@ Ephemeral 2022


Ephemeral 2022 has an exciting line-up of artists and creative professional talents to deliver a wonderful program of creative workshops. 


Botanical Artist Ge Warburton

Artist & Horticulturalist Tabitha Bilaniwskyj-Zarins

Screenprinter Julie Krone

Artist Hilary Peterson

Artist Terri Tuckwell



Participants in their workshops will have a unique opportunity to learn and try the techniques of these artists' respective crafts.


Phone Michelle 0400 341 282 for festival enquiries. 


This project has been assisted by the Australian Government through Festivals Australia Program


by the Bega Valley Shire Council Community Grants Program


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Botanical Drawing

with Ge Warburton


Sat 9 April
suitable for ages 16+ 

As a trained arborist, and with an appreciation for the work of May Gibbs and Margaret Preston, Ge Warburton is an artist with a unique eye inspired by Australian native Flora. The time she has spent climbing and pruning trees gives her invaluable knowledge to draw upon capturing the character and beauty of foliage and flowers with ink and paper.

Ge's subjects for her exquisite works are found during her coastal roamings. Her drawings shine with her admiring and delight of flowering gums and banksia seed pods.  


During Ephemeral Ge will be leading workshops in botanical drawing. Participants can expect to learn an approach and process to tackling botanical drawing, and be able to take away skills which will give them confidence to continue honing their technique, and experience the pleasure of drawing the beauty of flora.


As an introduction to botany and botanical art,  you will be guided through a process of observing plants and learning to draw them accurately. The basic steps Ge takes when drawing botanical subjects will be demonstrated.

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Botanical Drawing

for Young People

with Tabitha Bilaniwskyj-Zarins


Sat 9 April
suitable for ages 10+ 
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Botanical drawing has a long companionship with science and is where illustration, nature and science intersect. 


Artist and horticulturalist Tabitha Bilaniwskyj-Zarins will be leading a very special youth botanical drawing workshop in which participants will be investigating plant anatomy and drawing to record their flora discoveries.


Participant's will be inspired to awaken their senses to the world around them. They will be guided in exploration of their natural environment whilst gaining skills in observation and recording, and learning ways to transfer their discoveries to paper. Participants will be introduced to - 

  • Learning to look at plants with the aim to identify them. 

  • Identify plant species growing in Panboola wetlands

  • Learning plant nomenclature ie. naming  parts of the plants structure and anatomy using scientific terminology. 

  • Learning to draw botanical subjects from nature observation. Collecting and drawing specimens to help remember the scientific foundation of why plants are classified into different families


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Morning Workshop
Sat 9 April
suitable for ages 16+ 

Postcards from Panboola

with Hilary Peterson


Afternoon Workshop
Sat 9 April
suitable for ages 16+ 

Create a postcard book that reflects the plants and wildlife of Panboola using frottage, paint and stencilling. You'll be guided through the processes step by step to construct a beautiful memory of visiting Panboola.


Hilary is an experienced visual artist taking many approaches to interpret the natural world which is the focus of her work. She works in textiles, book making, printing, painting and dyeing.


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Wood and Lino

Blockprinting on fabric

with Julie Krone

Morning Workshop
Sat 9 April
suitable for ages 16+ 
Afternoon Workshop
Sat 9 April
suitable for ages 16+ 

Create a stunning blockprinted length of fabric. Using wood, lino, stone and found objects create your own stamps to print repeat designs onto natural fabrics. 


This is an experimental workshop, full of fun, playing with pattern, colour and block making.


Julie has 12 years teaching experience in visual arts at NSW TAFE and has been a practicing artist for 30 years.



Youth Art

Re-Wild Imagination

with Terri Tuckwell

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A workshop which will stimulate creative thinking and making - young participants will be re-wilding their imaginations with activities using nature items and objects collected from the wetlands.  


Led by experienced art educator and artist Terri Tuckwell in these sessions children will grow their appreciation of texture, colour and form. She will guide participants through a variety of inspiring exercises using satisfying artistic techniques - printing, imprinting, rubbings, drawing, painting, ephemeral arrangements - creative exploration with nature and imaginations. 

Morning Workshop
Sat 9 April
suitable for ages 5-8yrs 
Afternoon Workshop
Sat 9 April
suitable for ages 9+ 

Memory of Panboola

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with Hilary Peterson




suitable for people 15+ yrs

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Create a small painting on canvas, approximately 40x30cm and a few postcards that reflect the plants and wildlife of Panboola. Participants will be using frottage, paint and stencilling as they are guided through the processes step-by-step to produce a beautiful memory of visiting Panboola and learn some new skills in a great setting.


Hilary is an experienced visual artist, completing her Master of Arts degree in 2002. She takes many approaches to interpret the natural world which is the focus of her art making, working in textiles, book making, printing, painting, drawing and dyeing. Hilary has taught for over 25 years, privately and through Tafe NSW. 

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